If you don’t have a Premier iTek mini receiver, but have a compatible IPTV MAG digital box, we can help you set this up to receive your subscription at home. If you aren’t sure if your IPTV MAG box is compatible with Premier iTek please do contact us.
**If you are connecting your MAG box via wireless antennae instead of direct using the ethernet cable, please see below instructional video on how this is done before proceeding to the next step.
NEW SYSTEM SETUP (Once you have your MAG box connected to the internet)
  • Once the MAG box is connected to your TV via HDMI, and to your router via an Ethernet cable, insert the power cable.
  • The system when brand new (depending on the latest update installed) will usually load into the embeded portal, a screen with multiple rows, many icons, (e.g. home media, IPTV channels etc..) with a black background.
  • Once loaded please press SET/or cog setup button on the top of the remote in order to enter the service menu/system settings. (you will see below screen)
instruction 11
Service Menu
  • Go to Servers > portals, and enter in portal 1 URL using the on screen keyboard button (KB on the remote):
instruction 5
Select “Server” from the menu
Select “Portal” from the sub menu
  • Save using enter/info on the on screen keyboard and NTP server under servers/more should be:
instruction 6
Enter “” as per above image
  • Also in system settings change your video setting to Output: 720p-50 or 1080i-50 and Resolution: 1280×720 (depending on the TV type)
instruction 4
Go back and access the Video settings
  • We would then recommend here going to software update, and follow the instructions on the screen in order to install the latest software.
  • Above usually requires you to press OK on http then OK and F1 in order to update.
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