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Affiliate-Reseller Rewards Programme

Affiliate-Reseller Rewards Programme

We believe we have an excellent IPTV solution but we also wish to have a great Affiliate Reseller programme too.

With our unique Affiliate/Reseller member recruitment income structure you are able to develop and easily benefit from both direct and indirect sales.

For direct sales, our website and built in marketing tools will make it very easy for your prospects to join and they in turn can benefit from introducing their friends and associates.

However what’s even more interesting for Affiliate Reseller is that they also derive recurring income from the ‘group’ of members.

Please look at the example below which we hope is self explanatory. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us (preferably by email).

We hope you join ‘our family’

EXAMPLE: if an Affiliate Reseller make 25 direct sales per annum to a level1 member and each level1 member introduces an average of 2 x level2 members, monthly income for Affiliate Reseller would be 25 x €5 = €125 + 50 x €1 = €50 – total €175 per month. (* less processing fee of max 10%)

Should 50 level 2 members introduce an average of 2 members each (100 members) then this would add another €100 per month giving a total of €275 per month.

This increases even further when level3 members also join.

*processing fees on payouts of max 10% will apply

Reseller Program Diagram
Reseller Program Diagram
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